01 张 驰

As a lonely conscious person",Dong Xing' s extreme pursuit of oriental culture realizes in his works. Some just can t grasp anything in Dong Xing s works, but unique oriental black and white symbol of his seems natural to everyone,Viewing awhile, there are some distancing effect in Dongxing's works, which, just like himself, would not come out easily.(Excerpts)

作为一个独行的“自觉者”,在董兴血脉中的东方文化的根性追求在他的作品中得到具体的实现。许多人在面 对董兴作品的时候有一种无处去着的感受,但黑白符号显然是东方独有表达又让人自然亲近。感受遐迩让董兴 作品中存在一种间离感,而董兴的作品和他本人一样并不是把自己轻易显示出来,这种表达方式是东方文化的 “玄之又玄”。(节选)

02 朱塞佩·拉·布鲁纳

To an artist who I really appreciate and who carries Chinese characteristics with himself. I really appreciate your symbols of painting and your profound thoughts in soul. You are an artist who will truly do thinking about art and transformed Chinese history and Chinese memories into works of art. Thank you, Dong Xing.


Dong Xing takes traditional Chinese materials as a medium to express his inner feelings and his views on contemporary art. Under the conditions of almost abandoning all the ready-made ink painting techniques, his artistic language explores a wide range of possibilities of ink painting, and expands the artistic forms of Chinese contemporary ink painting. His artistic theme is about life and time. He projected the view of the universe from the core of Chinese traditional spirit into the image of the origin of life, the beginning of the earth, and the rotation of the years. His thoughts on life are deeply rooted in his works. It’s not only deeply rooted in people's hearts, but also very touching.

董兴以中国传统的材料为媒介抒发艺术家内心情绪和对当代艺术的看法。他的艺术语言,在 几乎放弃所有即成的技法条件下,探索水墨的多种可能,拓展了中国当代水墨的艺术形式。 他的主题,关乎生命、时间,他把来源于中国传统精神内核的宇宙生命观,投射在类比生命 起源、地球初始、岁月轮转的形象中,深藏着生活的思考,不仅深刻更令人动容。

Chinese artists like Dong Xing are strongly needed in the stage of international art, to present the works of tradition and modernity in an original way.


Giuseppe La Bruna, Dean of Accademia di belle arti di VENEZIA
Mar 14, 2019

威尼斯美术学院院长 朱塞佩·拉·布鲁纳

03 玛提娜·卡瓦拉琳

Xing Dong’s refined works unveil deep reflections on life, human nature and the flowing of existence, which the artist explores in its movement from the subjective to the collective dimension and back. Ink blends together with the surface of the canvas to create lyrical and surgical textures that stand out for their one-of-a-kind, absolute style. His works are globes in which apparitions and disappearances are made of light and air and prolific organisms; they are fusions in which the negative and the positive generate renewed possibilities; they are works that transform the rooms and environments in which they are placed, prompting questions and suggesting comparisons.(Excerpts)
Martina cavallarin
September 10,2019

董兴先生精致绝美的作品揭示了对生命、人性和生存流动的强烈反思,从主观世界到集体 维度运动中的再次回归。 水墨是无可替代的语言,它本身所具有的文化符号性凝聚了中国文化特有的气质和意境,他使水墨与画布之间的矛盾融为一体,创造出抒情和独特意境的 纹理,以其独一无二的绝对风格脱颖而出。他创作表现的是生命和星系的出现、消失与融合,其创作背景和对宇宙的思考被转换成一个单一的有机体。它们是大胆融合的产物,在融合过程中消极和积极相互作用,共生了新的艺术可能性;它们在空间陈设方面可以令所 摆放的房间或环境焕然一新,也有助于揭示空间问题并在对比中获得建议。(节选)